September And October 2025 Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide

September and October 2025 Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide


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September and October 2025 Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide

September and October 2025 Calendar

The ninth and tenth months of 2025, September and October, hold a plethora of significant dates, holidays, and observances. This comprehensive calendar provides a detailed overview of these two months, highlighting key events and providing ample planning time for important occasions.

September 2025

  • September 1: Labor Day (United States)
  • September 7: Independence Day (Brazil)
  • September 15: Mid-Autumn Festival (China)
  • September 16: Mexican Independence Day
  • September 21: International Day of Peace
  • September 22: Autumnal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere)
  • September 27: World Tourism Day

October 2025

  • October 1: National Day (China)
  • October 2: Gandhi Jayanti (India)
  • October 9: Columbus Day (United States)
  • October 12: Indigenous Peoples’ Day (United States)
  • October 17: Diwali (India)
  • October 24: United Nations Day
  • October 31: Halloween

Key Events in September 2025

  • Labor Day (September 1): This federal holiday in the United States commemorates the contributions and achievements of American workers.
  • Independence Day (September 7): Brazil celebrates its independence from Portugal on this day in 1822.
  • Mid-Autumn Festival (September 15): Also known as the Moon Festival, this traditional Chinese holiday is celebrated with family gatherings, mooncakes, and lanterns.
  • Mexican Independence Day (September 16): Mexico gained independence from Spain on this date in 1821.
  • International Day of Peace (September 21): This global observance promotes peace and non-violence around the world.
  • Autumnal Equinox (September 22): This astronomical event marks the official start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • World Tourism Day (September 27): This international day recognizes the importance of tourism and its economic, social, and cultural benefits.

Key Events in October 2025

  • National Day (October 1): China celebrates its founding anniversary on this day in 1949.
  • Gandhi Jayanti (October 2): This national holiday in India honors the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian independence movement.
  • Columbus Day (October 9): This federal holiday in the United States commemorates Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas in 1492.
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Day (October 12): This day is observed in the United States to recognize and celebrate the cultures and histories of Native American and Indigenous peoples.
  • Diwali (October 17): This festival of lights is one of the most important holidays in India, symbolizing the victory of good over evil.
  • United Nations Day (October 24): This day commemorates the founding of the United Nations in 1945.
  • Halloween (October 31): This annual celebration originated as an ancient Celtic festival and is now widely celebrated with costumes, trick-or-treating, and other festive activities.

Planning Ahead

This calendar provides ample time for planning ahead for important events and holidays in September and October 2025. Whether it’s booking travel arrangements for a special occasion or making reservations for family gatherings, the detailed information in this calendar can help ensure a smooth and memorable experience.

Additional Notes

  • The dates and observances listed in this calendar may vary slightly depending on the specific time zone or region.
  • Some events may require advance reservations or ticket purchases. It is advisable to check official websites or local listings for up-to-date information and details.
  • This calendar is intended as a general guide and should not be considered an exhaustive list of all events and holidays in September and October 2025.

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