June 2025 Calendar Kalnirnay

June 2025 Calendar Kalnirnay


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June 2025 Calendar Kalnirnay

Kalnirnay Calendar 2025 Marathi Download - Idette Sonnie


Kalnirnay, an ancient Indian almanac, is a valuable tool for planning and understanding the astrological influences on daily life. The June 2025 Kalnirnay calendar provides detailed information about the planetary positions, astrological events, and auspicious days for various activities during the month.

Planetary Positions

The June 2025 Kalnirnay calendar shows the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets in their respective zodiac signs at sunrise each day. This information is crucial for understanding the astrological influences on the day and making informed decisions.

  • Sun: The Sun transits through the zodiac sign of Gemini from June 1 to June 21 and enters Cancer on June 22.
  • Moon: The Moon transits through all 12 zodiac signs during the month, spending approximately 2.5 days in each sign.
  • Mercury: Mercury transits through the zodiac signs of Gemini, Cancer, and Leo during the month.
  • Venus: Venus transits through the zodiac sign of Gemini throughout the month.
  • Mars: Mars transits through the zodiac sign of Taurus throughout the month.
  • Jupiter: Jupiter transits through the zodiac sign of Aries throughout the month.
  • Saturn: Saturn transits through the zodiac sign of Aquarius throughout the month.
  • Rahu: Rahu transits through the zodiac sign of Aries throughout the month.
  • Ketu: Ketu transits through the zodiac sign of Libra throughout the month.

Astrological Events

The June 2025 Kalnirnay calendar highlights important astrological events that can impact our lives. These events include:

  • June 2: New Moon in Gemini
  • June 10: Full Moon in Sagittarius
  • June 17: Mars enters Gemini
  • June 23: Sun enters Cancer
  • June 29: Mercury enters Leo

Auspicious Days

The June 2025 Kalnirnay calendar marks auspicious days for various activities. These days are considered favorable for starting new ventures, making important decisions, or performing religious ceremonies. Some of the auspicious days in June 2025 include:

  • June 2: Akshaya Tritiya
  • June 10: Vat Savitri Vrat
  • June 14: Nirjala Ekadashi
  • June 23: Summer Solstice
  • June 29: Guru Purnima

Inauspicious Days

The June 2025 Kalnirnay calendar also marks inauspicious days, which are considered unfavorable for starting new ventures or making important decisions. Some of the inauspicious days in June 2025 include:

  • June 1: Bhadra
  • June 8: Bhadra
  • June 15: Bhadra
  • June 22: Bhadra
  • June 29: Bhadra


The Kalnirnay calendar provides a detailed Panchang for each day, which includes:

  • Tithi: The lunar phase of the day
  • Nakshatra: The constellation in which the Moon is located
  • Yoga: The combination of Sun and Moon positions
  • Karana: The half of a tithi
  • Var: The day of the week
  • Sunrise and Sunset: The time of sunrise and sunset

Additional Information

In addition to the planetary positions, astrological events, and auspicious/inauspicious days, the June 2025 Kalnirnay calendar also includes:

  • Monthly Horoscope: A general overview of the astrological influences on each zodiac sign during the month
  • Daily Predictions: Brief predictions for each day based on the planetary positions
  • Muhurta: Auspicious times for various activities
  • Festivals and Holidays: A list of important festivals and holidays observed during the month


The June 2025 Kalnirnay calendar is a comprehensive guide to the astrological influences and auspicious days during the month. By consulting this calendar, individuals can make informed decisions, plan their activities effectively, and maximize the positive energies available during this time.

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Thus, we hope this article has provided valuable insights into June 2025 Calendar Kalnirnay. We hope you find this article informative and beneficial. See you in our next article!