Holy Week 2025 Calendar Philippines: A Guide To Religious Observances And Traditions

Holy Week 2025 Calendar Philippines: A Guide to Religious Observances and Traditions


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Holy Week 2025 Calendar Philippines: A Guide to Religious Observances and Traditions

Holy Week 2025 Calendar Philippines Country Code - Aili Rodina


Holy Week, also known as Semana Santa, is one of the most important religious events in the Philippines, a predominantly Catholic nation. It commemorates the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and is observed with a series of solemn rituals, processions, and liturgical services. This article provides a comprehensive calendar for Holy Week 2025 in the Philippines, outlining the key events and traditions associated with each day.

Holy Week 2025 Calendar

Palm Sunday (March 23, 2025)

  • Morning: Blessing of palm fronds in churches.
  • Afternoon: Palm Sunday procession, where the faithful carry blessed palm fronds in a procession to commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Holy Monday (March 24, 2025)

  • Daytime: Liturgical services and processions focusing on the betrayal and arrest of Jesus.
  • Evening: "Visita Iglesia," where devotees visit seven churches to pray and meditate on the Stations of the Cross.

Holy Tuesday (March 25, 2025)

  • Daytime: Continuation of liturgical services and processions.
  • Evening: Penitential rites, such as flagellation and self-denial.

Holy Wednesday (March 26, 2025)

  • Daytime: Liturgical services focusing on the Last Supper and the betrayal of Judas Iscariot.
  • Evening: "Pabasa," a traditional chanting of the passion narrative of Jesus.

Maundy Thursday (March 27, 2025)

  • Morning: Holy Thursday Mass, commemorating the Last Supper and the institution of the Eucharist.
  • Afternoon: Washing of the Feet ceremony, where priests wash the feet of 12 chosen individuals to symbolize Jesus’ humility.
  • Evening: "Visita Iglesia" and prayer vigils at churches.

Good Friday (March 28, 2025)

  • Morning: Stations of the Cross procession, where devotees follow a path representing the stages of Jesus’ journey to Calvary.
  • Afternoon: Good Friday Mass, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus.
  • Evening: "Santo Entierro" procession, where a statue of the crucified Christ is carried through the streets.

Holy Saturday (March 29, 2025)

  • Daytime: Preparation for the Easter Vigil.
  • Evening: Easter Vigil Mass, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus.

Easter Sunday (March 30, 2025)

  • Morning: Easter Mass, celebrating the victory of Christ over death.
  • Afternoon: Easter festivities and family gatherings.

Holy Week Traditions in the Philippines

Visita Iglesia:

This is a popular tradition where devotees visit seven churches on Maundy Thursday or Good Friday to pray and meditate on the Stations of the Cross.


This is a traditional chanting of the passion narrative of Jesus, typically performed on Holy Wednesday evening.

Penitential Rites:

Some devotees engage in self-denial practices during Holy Week, such as fasting, flagellation, or carrying heavy crosses.


Elaborate processions are held throughout Holy Week, featuring statues of Jesus, Mary, and other biblical figures. These processions often draw large crowds of worshippers.

Religious Services:

Liturgical services are held in churches throughout Holy Week, including daily Mass, Stations of the Cross, and special services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.

Cultural Significance:

Holy Week in the Philippines is not only a religious event but also a deeply ingrained cultural tradition. It is a time for reflection, repentance, and renewal, and it brings communities together in a shared experience of faith and spirituality.


Holy Week 2025 in the Philippines will be a time of solemn remembrance and joyful celebration. By following the calendar of events and embracing the traditions associated with this sacred time, Filipinos can deepen their understanding of the Christian faith and strengthen their spiritual connection.

Holy Week Traditions in the Philippines  Lumina Homes Overview: Holy Week traditions in the Philippines Reportage: Holy Week Rituals in the Philippines - Ron Soliman Photojournalism
Holy Week Traditions in the Philippines - YouTube 2025 Philippines Calendar with Holidays Holy Week in the Philippines. - Greg Secker Foundation
Reportage: Holy Week Rituals in the Philippines - Ron Soliman Photojournalism Holy Week 2025 Calendar Philippines Country - evvy murial


Thus, we hope this article has provided valuable insights into Holy Week 2025 Calendar Philippines: A Guide to Religious Observances and Traditions. We hope you find this article informative and beneficial. See you in our next article!