2025 Malaysia Public Holidays Calendar

2025 Malaysia Public Holidays Calendar


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2025 Malaysia Public Holidays Calendar

Public Holidays 2025 - Calendar Malaysia

Malaysia is a multicultural country with a diverse range of public holidays. These holidays commemorate important events in the nation’s history, culture, and religion. The 2025 Malaysia public holidays calendar includes a total of 11 gazetted holidays, which are observed by all Malaysians.


  • 1st January (Thursday): New Year’s Day

New Year’s Day marks the beginning of a new calendar year. It is a time for celebration and reflection, and many Malaysians enjoy spending time with family and friends on this day.


  • 4th February (Tuesday): Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important festival in the Chinese calendar. It is a time to celebrate the arrival of spring and to honor ancestors. Malaysians of Chinese descent typically celebrate Chinese New Year with family gatherings, feasts, and fireworks.


  • 8th March (Saturday): International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is a global holiday that celebrates the achievements of women and promotes gender equality. In Malaysia, International Women’s Day is observed with events and activities that highlight the contributions of women to society.


  • 10th April (Thursday): Good Friday

Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is a solemn day of reflection and remembrance for Christians.

  • 13th April (Sunday): Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a joyous day of celebration for Christians, and many Malaysians attend church services and spend time with family on this day.


  • 1st May (Thursday): Labour Day

Labour Day is a public holiday that recognizes the contributions of workers to the economy and society. In Malaysia, Labour Day is typically observed with parades, speeches, and other events that highlight the importance of workers’ rights.


  • 5th June (Thursday): Wesak Day

Wesak Day is a Buddhist holiday that commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and passing of Gautama Buddha. Malaysians of Buddhist descent typically celebrate Wesak Day with temple visits, meditation, and other religious observances.


  • 31st August (Sunday): National Day

National Day is a public holiday that celebrates the independence of Malaysia from British rule in 1957. It is a day of national pride and unity, and Malaysians typically celebrate National Day with parades, fireworks, and other patriotic events.


  • 16th September (Tuesday): Malaysia Day

Malaysia Day commemorates the formation of Malaysia in 1963. It is a public holiday that is observed in East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak) only.


  • 1st November (Saturday): Deepavali

Deepavali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a Hindu festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil. Malaysians of Indian descent typically celebrate Deepavali with family gatherings, feasts, and fireworks.


  • 25th December (Thursday): Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a day of joy and celebration for Christians, and many Malaysians attend church services and spend time with family on this day.

Additional Notes

  • Public holidays that fall on a Saturday or Sunday are typically observed on the following Monday.
  • The government of Malaysia may declare additional public holidays on an ad hoc basis.
  • Some states in Malaysia may have additional public holidays that are not observed nationwide.

The 2025 Malaysia public holidays calendar provides a glimpse into the rich cultural and religious diversity of the nation. These holidays are an important part of Malaysian life, and they offer opportunities for Malaysians to come together and celebrate their shared heritage.

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